Detachment #1319 Manasquan NJ
Members of the Marine Corps League join together in camaraderie and fellowship for the purpose of preserving the traditions and promoting the interests of the United States Marine Corps, banding together those who are now serving in the United States Marine Corps and those who have been honorably discharged from that service that they may effectively promote the ideals of American freedom and democracy, voluntarily aiding and rendering assistance to all Marines, FMF Corpsmen and former Marines and FMF Corpsmen and to their widows and orphans; and to perpetuate the history of the United States Marine Corps and by fitting acts to observe the anniversaries of historical occasions of particular interest to Marines.
Official Website of the USMC
Jersey Shore Leathernecks Detachment 1313
Department of New Jersey Marine Corps League
Marine Corps League
Marines Helping Marines
Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
Marine Corps Heritage Foundation
Marine Corps Association
Chapel of Four Chaplains
Together We Served
Support Our Marines
Get a Free Copy of Your DD-214
Veterans Administration
Sgt. Grit (If We Don’t Have It, Chesty Wouldn’t Want It!)
The Marine Shop (Marine Corps Association)
Wounded Warrior Fishing
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Nation Resource Directory
Connection Wouded Warriors, Service Members, Veterans, Thier Families and Caregivers with THose Who Support Them
Lt. Dennis Zilinski Foundation and Memorial Fund
Run for the Fallen
Treat Mesothelioma
Boy Scouts of America Troop 59 – Manasquan, NJ
Dark Horse Heroes Remembered
National MCL Scholarship Information
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
Phone: 732-779-6887
Web Address:
local, marines, non-profit, va assistance, veterans